EPIC Highbay Laboratory Contact
The EPIC HighBay Laboratory supports both industrial testing as well as research
and development in a secure test environment with advanced experimental and
simulation capabilities. Numerous faculty members encompassing a wide range of
expertise in structural and geotechnical engineering support the laboratory
Industrial partners interested in engaging the laboratory for their testing needs can
contact the individuals below. In addition, the following laboratory policies and
terms can be made available upon request:
1. EPIC HighBay Laboratory Safety Policy
2. EPIC HighBay Laboratory Technology Control Plan
3. Standard Terms and Contract for Services

Dr. Youngjin Park, EPIC Assistant Director – Infrastructure, Interim HighBay Lab Director
EPIC 2424
Dr. Park’s expertise is geotechnical engineering with emphasis on laboratory and
field experimentation, sensors and instrumentation for short- and long-term
monitoring. Examples of recent research topics include resilient modulus testing,
erosion protection of dams through adequate filter materials, and the modification
of a new resonant and torsional shear testing device.

Dr. Janos Gergely – Structure, Associate Professor
EPIC 3262
Dr. Gergely is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering. His areas of research expertise include Structural rehabilitation using
fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites, Advanced construction materials,
Seismic design and analysis of structures, and Nonlinear analysis of buildings and
bridges. He got his Ph.D from University of Utah. Dr. Gergely is a registered P.E. and
S.E (IL).

Dr. Matthew Whelan – EPIC Assistant Director of Research for Energy Infrastructure, Associate Professor
EPIC 3326
Dr. Whelan is the EPIC Assistant Director of Research for Energy Infrastructure and
an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
His areas of research expertise include full-scale experimental laboratory and field
testing of structures, structural health monitoring and nondestructive evaluation,
sensing and instrumentation for structural and geo-structural applications,
response of structures to dynamic loads, and computational structural mechanics.
Dr. Whelan is a registered Professional Engineer.

Dr. Timothy Kernicky – Assistant Research Professor for Structures
EPIC 2423
Dr. Kernicky received his Master degree in Engineering and Ph.D. in Infrastructure
and Environmental Systems from UNC Charlotte. His research interests include
Structural Health Monitoring, Vibration-Based Damage Detection, Experimental
Testing of Full-Scale Structures, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Structural
Performance Under Blast Loads.

David Biela – Operations and Technical Lab Associate
EPIC 1422
David Biela joined EPIC in June 2023, as the High Bay Operations and Technical
Lab Associate. He provides support for research and instructional laborartory
operations, maintaining and operating heavy equipment, data acquisition and assisting
researchers in specialized fabrications in the HighBay and yard totaling 34,000 sq. ft.
of research space. David comes to us with over 30 years of experience in operations
management and manufacturing. David graduated from Grand Valley State University,
B.B.A with Honors, and Western Michigan University Cooley Law School, J.D., Cum Laude,
with a concentration in Business Law.