EPIC Faculty/Staff

Robert Cox
Acting Executive Director
Jim Gafford
Assistant Director, Special Projects
David Biela
Operations and Technical Lab Associate
Ali Bonakdar
Associate Professor of Design and Manufacturing
Lori Brown
Research Business Officer, CRA
Valentina Cecchi
Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director
Badrul Chowdhury
Assistant Director – William States Lee College of Engineering Distinguished Scholar & Professor
Benjamin Futrell
Research Engineer – Building Sciences
John Hall
Assistant Professor
Tao Hong
Duke Energy Distinguished Professor, NCEMC Faculty Fellow, Graduate and Research Director
Shannon Jenkins
Business Services Coordinator/CAPER Administrator
Sukumar Kamalasadan
Duke Distinguished Professor
Timothy Kernicky
Assistant Research Professor for Structures
Saffeer M. Khan
Professor of Practice and Flexible Energy Lab Manager
Milind Khire
Assistant Director – Environment & Construction, Professor
Andrew LeClair
Research Engineer – Electro-Mechanical Systems Design and Integration Specialist
Surabhi Manjrekar
Travel and Procurement Coordinator
Madhav Manjrekar
Assistant Director for Corporate Engagement
Youngjin Park
Assistant Director – Infrastructure, Interim HighBay Director
Jamie Ruchser
Economic and Workforce Development Associate – Affiliates Program Manager
Ehab Shoubaki
Lab Manager, Duke Energy Smart Grid Laboratory
Nataly Tapper
Senior Award Management Specialist
Matthew Whelan
EPIC Assistant Director of Research for Energy Infrastructure, and Associate Professor
Tiefu Zhao
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering