Lori Brown

Lori Brown
A graduate of Catawba College, Lori M. Brown, CRA, joined EPIC in June, 2016. She began her career at UNC Charlotte in March 2010, with Civil and Environmental Engineering, and expanded her knowledge of research administration with the College of Engineering Contracts and Grants Office. As the Research Business Officer for EPIC, she assists EPIC Principle Investigators with the administration of their pre and post-award projects. Lori is also a professional research administrator, having received a Certified Research Administrator (CRA) designation from the Research Administrators Certification Council’s (RACC) after meeting extensive eligibility requirements. Lori has completed the Certificate in Grants and Contracts Administration, and is an appointed Notary Public. Before joining UNC Charlotte, Lori was the Chief Financial Officer at Copper Works, Inc., a premier roofing, gutter, and custom metal fabrication company. Prior to Copper Works, she was the Administrative Supervisor to staff of a high-volume call center and managed the department’s state budget, at Cabarrus County Transportation Services.