Tiefu Zhao

Tiefu Zhao
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Grid Edge Power Electronics, Solid State Transformer, Solid State Circuit Protection, DC Distribution, Microgrid, Renewable Energy Integration, and Wide Bandgap Device Applications
Dr. Tiefu Zhao is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Associate of Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC). He is also the interim director of BATT CAVE. Dr. Zhao comes to UNC Charlotte with six years of industry R&D experience in power electronics and power management at Eaton Corporate Research and Technology. He received his B.S. and M.S degrees from Tsinghua University, China and Ph.D. degree from North Carolina State University.
Dr. Zhao is internationally recognized as the recipient of 2015 IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS) Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award and 2015 STEM Forward Young Engineer of the Year Award for his outstanding achievement and contributions to the power electronics engineering profession. He will be conducting research in the areas of Grid Edge Power Electronics, Solid State Transformer, Solid State Circuit Protection, DC Distribution, Microgrid, Renewable Energy Integration, and Wide Bandgap Device Applications.